Monday, May 23, 2011

monday pick-me-up: inspiring companies

i know we all feel like we spend wayyyy too much time browsing around the ol' worldwide web... but i thought i'd share some of my recent company obsessions - these people are so talented and their websites are sure to quench your need for some creative inspiration today. :)

first up, i'd like to introduce you to illustrator extraordinaire skinny laminx ... absolutely adore her work!

since my dad is a ceramics-jedi-master, i've been able to see firsthand how much care a potter puts into his work... and the guys at heath ceramics are no exception -  their stuff is absolutely gorgeous and is definitely neck-and-neck with dad's stuff. :) {p.s. they're local! anyone want to take a trip to their los angeles or sausalito studio? road trip!}

...and i would loooove a good excuse to take a trip to texas because i'm dying to stay at the minimalist-friendly hotel san jose. i love their site, i love their vibe, i love their bike and polaroid rentals, and i love the simplicity of the overall design.

i'm not a huge fan of online shopping but sometimes it's necessary and super convenient so i do occasionally bite the cyber bullet. the beautiful terrain website, however, pushes all those hesitations aside and makes me want to fill up every inch of my virtual shopping cart...

speaking of shopping carts, i wish i could push one down the aisles of B H L D N and bring their whole inventory home! so many dreamy dresses and accessories... wish i could get married all over again!

happy monday!

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